With the final days of summer coming to a close, there has been one video game that has left a lasting impression on me. Now I know that Overwatch was not technically released in the summer (late spring) but it's popularity has easily made it one of the most prominent games of 2016. I was recently able to play with friends who didn't have the game thanks to a free weekend of play given to console gamer's last week. Now that the free weekend is over, me and my friends find ourselves suffering from withdrawal. So to stave off my cravings for the time being, I figured I could channel it in to a decent article. I largely ignored the game when it was first released. It wasn't until my brother purchased the game on the PC that I developed an interest. What really grabbed me about the game was the the deep lore and colorful characters. To me, a lot of the more interesting parts of Overwatch actually live outside of the game. From animated shorts, comic books and Youtube videos, Overwatch's backstory is huge and well put together. My only real issue is that there is very little of that rich story in the game. The game is an online multiplayer shooter, and that leaves little room for story in between each shootout. So what sets it apart from other games in the same category? The characters! Overwatch is all about characters, and there's something for everyone in this game. From the gruff bad-ass that is Soldier 76 to the former pro-gamer turned mech pilot D.VA. Every character is unique in both how they act and how they play. Having each character's play style vastly differ from one another keeps the game entertaining and fresh. It's something I am used to seeing in fighting games and not in competitive shooters. It's an advantage over other shooters in that each match can play out extremely different from the last. I only had three days to play the game and I feel as if I have barely scratched the surface. Over 20 characters in the game and I have only really spent time with three of them. The game is also well balanced and well taken care of under the watchful eye of Blizzard. As this is a team based shooter, I highly recommend playing with people you know. Communication is key and just adds to the overall fun that the game can bring. I should probably say that playing with friends heavily impacted my view on the game. Seeing your team of friends on the win scene never gets old and the "Play of the Game" feature encourages you to play better.
I know I said Overwatch is all about characters, but most importantly it's about fun. Fun characters, fun game-play and fun with your friends. Not that you can't have fun on your own, but there's definitely something lost when you choose to play solo. it's a game that will probably have a long life due to constant new content being put out by Blizzard. With the free weekend over, me and my friends are left with one question "Will we pull the trigger and actually buy the game?". If the article didn't make it obvious, the answer is huge resounding "YES!". I look forward to grouping up with my friends and suiting up as Soldier 76, striking fear in to our enemies with the line: "I've got you in my sights!".
Rodrigo |