Alright, I'm going to separate this into two parts. First part will be looking at the film as it's own movie and the second part will be reviewing it as a remake. Ok... First Part: As it's own movie, Brick Mansions fails in most aspects but I'll start with what was good about it. The plot, although nothing too amazing is simple and easy to follow, not something that is done over and over. As far as acting goes, Paul Walker is the only one who borders on "decent". The other actors leave a lot to be desired and it doesn't help that the writing is just as bad. In all honesty, it's like this movie was directed by a 13 year old boy. Slow-motion crammed into every other second of an action, half-dressed women fighting for no apparent reason, for way too long. Just a bad flick all around.
As a remake, it's much worse. The movie touches on most of the same beats as the original but with much less impact. The re-casting of David Belle was weird but made perfect sense considering the role in the original was made for him. Same goes for the casting of Cyril in the original. Paul Walker makes a almost sub-par version of Cyril's character. My major gripe with the film is in the final act, and with the changes made to the villain of the film, this time played by The RZA. But I'll leave it at that. anything more and i'll be heading into spoiler territory.
1 Comment
Terrible film, both as a remake and as it's own film. Just watch the original. Rodrigo Villa |